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(photo credit - Tyler Crowe) |
Tuesday, August 9: (two days after getting home from Botswana)
"Lord, I know you had awesome plans for taking me to, and bringing me back, from Africa. I pray for your guidance and direction now that I am home, and that you show me where and what you want me to do now."
Tuesday, October 25:
"Yesterday I had an advisor meeting to talk with Tina abut possible options for my life. I realized I only have 3 classes to take next spring and 2 for the following spring, so I am just going to take thm this spring/summer and then would only have 1 more semester next year. Then I was thinking that I could take the fall off and go on a long term (3ish month) mission trip, then come back, student teach, and graduate. These ideas are all very new, but feel this would be such an amazing experience and something that I would love to do. Lord, I pray that you give me clarity and point me where in the direction you want me to go. I want to follow you in the plans you have for me."
Thursday, October 27:
"Last week I thought there was a possibility I could graduate early, meaning I could get a job sooner and not be paying for another semester and could find something to do in Charlottesville, but this week my plans have been thrown out the window. I now have a desire and almost passion for spending the fall in Uganda. Well, Uganda came last night, but I was thinking somewhere back in Africa. I realized how big my heart had grown, not just for Botwana and the people we met there, but for God's people who needed to hear the gospel, and the childen who needed to be loved - and the more I have been thinking and praying about it, the stronger the pull I feel to go back.
Two nights ago I talked to Mom about my thought process about all this, and she was hesitant.. Then last night she forwarded me an email from Mrs. Sefton which was forwarded to her from a friend, and had a link to a blog associated with Ekisa - it's in Uganda, and it is a house/school for kids with disabilities, as well as being Christian affiliated!!My heart literally starts beating so fast when I think about it, it makes me so excited!
God, I really feel like this is you moving in my life - for one, I don't know how I would have stumbled upon Ekisa on my own, and feel the timing of this all is definitely your hands at work. All the same I pray for my heart, that I don't get so caught up in this and overlook the next almost year I have here at UVA."
Wednesday, November 2:
"God, you work in amazing ways and cease to astound me. I am so thankful for how you work and choose to work. I'm grateful that you open doors and that I can lean on you to guide me."
Saturday, November 5:
"Africa is starting to seem more and more real. I just heard back from their volunteer coordinator with a lot more information about the trip - living, expenses, town, etc.! It's so exciting to be moving forward with this... Lord, you have placed this on my heart, and you are making it happen, and I thank you for that."
Friday, November 18:
"Later today I have a skype interview with Ekisa's volunteer coordinator!"
Saturday, November 19:
"The interview went great, and it just seems that the possibility of me going just keeps growing...
I pray that as I go home next week I am able to talk to Mom and Dad more about it, and they will find comfort and peace, knowing that you've got me. I also pray for my heart as I wait to hear back from them, that it would be settled, and constantly focused on the cross, and knowing that is the ultimate reason I want to go on this trip."
Monday, November 28:
"I got accepted!"
Thursday, February 1:
I have a hard time believing this is real! Lord, you are great and sovereign, and you know and call me by name. I praise you, that by seeking you, you have given me the desires of my heart. I'm so excited and know and trust that you have BIG things planned!"