Wednesday, May 1

The Month of May

I'm sitting in the Charlottesville Airport about to head to Nashville for Summit9 - a conference put on by the Christian Alliance For Orphans (CAFO - look it up), that's about adoptions, foster care, and global initiatives. I'm so excited for this incredible opportunity and can't wait for all that I'm going to learn. I also get to see Emily (she's in the States for about a month for support raising and visiting) and I'm so excited to see her too!

The conference is Thursday and Friday and I have three different breakout sessions to go to each day. Each session had about 10 options that you could go to, and check which ones I get to hear! (You can go to to find out more information about each one!)

Thursday Breakout Session I:    Local Families and Churches Caring for Children in international Settings
Thursday Breakout Session II:   Straight Talk from Adult Adoptees
Thursday Breakout Session III:  Special Needs Adoption: Myths vs. Truth

Friday Breakout Session IV:  We Thought It Couldn’t be Done…What Every Church can Do Watching Rwanda
Friday Breakout Session V:   Say Yes to Special Needs
Friday Breakout Session VI:  Navigating School for Special Needs: Homeschooling and in the Public School System

Talk about excitement at what's to come!!

But sitting here at this airport (which I might add I am here way too early for - I've never been to an airport this small), I can't stop thinking that in exactly one month from today I will be sitting at Dulles International Airport. Can't believe all that is going to happen in the next month, but also can't wait. Nashville. Leslie's Wedding. Anna's Prom. Graduation. Being Home. Lots to enjoy and I pray I don't overlook this next month, for the year that's coming. For the month of May I'm here in the States. Slightly all over the place, but here.

So thankful.