Saturday, April 27

Going Back

Yes. I am going back.

My flight is on June 1st.

Yes, very soon.

For about one year. Return date is not set, I bought a one way ticket, as not happy as it made dad:) Don't worry though, I promise I'm coming back!

I'm going to be Ekisa's adoption coordinator, as well as help out with school.

Excited doesn't even begin to cover it.

For those of you who haven't heard my story about coming to go back, here it is in a nut shell! When I was in Uganda last fall, in a conversation with Mom one day, I unintentionally brought up that I felt like God may want me back after graduation. I say "unintentionally" because I didn't think this would be an easy conversation, and honestly I didn't think I wanted to have it continents, and oceans, away. Yet, despite my silly plans, the Lord's were greater and somehow I brought it up (while laying in a hammock on our front porch after the kids were asleep - one of my many favorite memory spots!). Instead of the shoot down that I expected to get, mom replied "Well, Brecklyn, it's not something that your dad and I haven't been praying about." Talk about God's hand clearly in motion laying this plan on their hearts, even prior to me bringing it up! I wanted to cry. At that point I didn't know if coming back was for sure something that would happen, but I definitely felt the desire.

Upon leaving, I talked to Emily and Emily about coming back to help with school and the desires I felt to do this, but above all wanted to ask for their prayers in this, because I didn't want my reasons of wanting to come back to be just the earthly desires of "oh I loved it, of course I want to go back". I was trying to be prayerful in this as well, and seek God's plan in the decisions that I had before me about my future, and wanting to be used wherever I was.

Come February I touched base with them to ask them if they still thought that me coming back was something that they would need, or if I should start looking for jobs here. Em H. emailed me back and said not only would they want me to come back to teach, but also to pilot an Adoption Coordinator position. Again, God works in big ways, and without going into too much detail (I struggle with this anyway haha) His timing was again so perfect and I was overwhelmed with a peace that Uganda was where He wanted me back. This position doesn't exist yet, so the details are a little unknown, but I am so excited to learn, and be able to serve Ekisa, families, and the kids in this way. I will basically be a liaison between the States (U.S. agencies and adoptive parents) and Uganda (the Ugandan gov't and Ekisa). Some responsibilities will include making sure that all necessary paperwork is complete for each child, the adoptive parents have everything in check, and then once they get to Uganda, to essentially be their tour guide as we trek through Jinja and Kampala jumping through all of the necessary hoops.

Like I did last time, I'm planning on keeping up with this blog to share stories, lessons learned, and awesome things that God is going in my life with whoever wants to read! Keep up if you'd like!!