Monday, November 26

Heading Home

In light of the holiday season I think it's appropriate to say that I am thankful. 
I am thankful for the past three months that I got to spend here in Jinja, Uganda. 
I am thankful for this place called Ekisa that gives a home to so many beautiful children. 
I am thankful that I got to know these children and experience the joy that each of them have to give to the world. 
I am thankful that I've been safe on bodas.
I am thankful for my safe travels to and from Kenya, and the wonderful visits I had there. 
I am thankful for Acacia Community Church, and Pastor Terry, for the sense of home they both have provided the past three months. 
I am thankful for the friends I have met here who have continued to support me if I wanted to cry, encourage me in my time here, laugh with me, and build me up in the love of Christ. 
I am thankful for cups of coffee since sleeping in here is utterly impossible.
I am thankful for the small steps of progress that we have seen in school. 
I am thankful for our Thanksgiving dinner we had here last week. 
I am thankful I got to watch the UVA-Tech game on Saturday with Pastor Terry, despite the tragic ending.

Above all right now I am thankful that the Lord fearfully and wonderfully made each one of them, and all He has given them - the silly, quirky things Isaac does daily to make me laugh, Amy's beautiful smile she gets when you kiss her cheek, Sam's perseverance and strength during his crises, Debra's uncontrollable laughter, Baby Misach's adorable smile where he sucks in his bottom lip and scrunches his nose, Zuena's fight for life, Zeke's enthusiasm everyday for school when we tell them all to come inside, Arafat's love for singing and songs (sometimes our only one joining along in school), Rachel's sparkling personality that makes it so hard to actually get frustrated at her, Mweru's energy that never ceases, Fiona's way of irritating Zak but is just so funny to watch, Paul's love-hate relationship with our dog Pippin, and so many others. 

But I'm also thankful to be heading home. As hard as it is to say goodbye to this place right now, I know that God has a plan in bringing me home, and I am thankful for that. I am thankful I have a wonderful family to go home to, and parents that have supported me in absolutely everything. I am thankful for friends in my life, who most of the time I don't know what I would do without them. And I am thankful for Christ's death on a cross that makes it possible for me to be in relationship with Him, seek to glorify His name, trust in His will for my life, and lift up praises to Him for all He has given me. Despite all that happens in my life, whether good or bad, I pray that this is the truth that remains in my heart. For I want to "rejoice always, pray continually, [and] give THANKS in all circumstances; for this is God's will for [me] in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

I'll be home in less than 36 hours. Thank you so much for all of you who have prayed with me and for me as I have been on this trip. I am thankful for each and every one of you!

1 comment:

  1. this gave me goosebumps. i'm so excited to see you soon!!
