Tuesday, November 6

My Next Adventure

Thursday night I am headed to Kenya and am pretty excited to say the least! I bought my bus ticket yesterday and it finally seems that plans are actually laid out. So here it goes: 

- The bus ride is about 10 1/2 hours long (eww) but I was able to get a ticket there and back for less than $50! I am leaving at 10pm Thursday night and will get there around 8:30 the next morning. The bus company is called Kampala Coach, and it's almost like a Greyhound bus - notice I said almost, keep in mind I'm comparing this to Africa transport haha. There is no bathroom and I have been told they don't make stops, but I have also been told that they will pull over to let you go on the side of the road if necessary - so this should be interesting. When we cross the border I have to purchase a Kenyan visa, so another fun stamp in the passport :) 

- When I get to Nairobi, I have to purchase my ticket for the way home (which will be next Wednesday evening) because you can't get a round trip ticket in Jinja haha. Then I will get on a city bus and head to the part of the city where my friend Caroline's parents live. This is essentially my reason for visiting Kenya. I have two friends from school whose parents are missionaries in different parts if Kenya and both invited me to visit, and just see a little different part of Africa. Since I'm really not that far away, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity. Caroline's parents live in Nairobi and I will spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights with them. I don't think we really have much of an agenda yet, but it will be fun to just get to see a little bit of the city. 

- Then on Monday at some point I will get on a matatu and head to Kijabe to stay with Evan's parents. Kijabe is about an hour north of Nairobi and a much smaller town, and apparently absolutely beautiful! Two of the volunteers who are here at Ekisa now went to Kijabe this summer for three weeks and loved it, and are really excited for me to get to visit as well. Again, once getting there I don't have much of an itinerary, but I'm sure some fun things will fall into place. Then Wednesday I will head back to Nairobi and the get on my bus home that evening to get back to Jinja early Thursday morning

I am really excited about this trip and opportunity to travel a bit, but know that Mom and Dad especially will be worried about my safety. I ask for prayers for safe travels and that this trip would be such an adventure - and that Mom and Dad will rest easy knowing God's got me:)


  1. Brecklyn, so exciting to be able to do some traveling and sightseeing. I know you are very excited. God be with you and keep you safe in your travels. Love you, AD (ps, I will pray for your Mom and Dad to have strength and peace as I know that while they know God is with you, I am sure they are just a tad anxious.)

  2. Brecklyn, how exciting! I am so enjoying reading your blog. You inspire me! Rich and I have talked about going to Kenya and Nairobi, so I can't wait to hear what you think. I will pray for your safe travels and for God to ease your mom and dad's concerns. God bless you.

  3. There's an AIM team in Kijabe! if you run into a bunch of white girls there's a high probability it's them...haha. enjoy kenya, I loved it sooo much :)
