Thursday, October 11

Calling vs Task

As a Christian, how many times have you heard others (or maybe yourself) say, "I'm just trying to figure out what God is calling me to do," or "what is God's calling for my life?" or "God has called me to do this or that or be here or there"? If you've been around me, you have heard it a time or two. My future is definitely something I struggle with, and if I could I would love to have a conversation with God and take notes as he tells me what the next many (hopefully) years of my life will look like. I know that this is where faith comes in and I need to trust in God's plan for my life, but like I already said, I struggle with this, but definitely think it's something God is trying to teach me a lot about. 

The other day in a devotional that I'm doing, by Beth Moore, she wrote that "the concepts of calling and task are often confused," and that our calling as Christians is actually to "surrender [our] lives to His will." This really struck a chord with me because I so often fall into thinking about His "calling" for my life, instead of the tasks that He has set before me. God calls me to drop everything I have, pick up my cross daily, and follow Him (Luke 9:23) - and from there He will lead me. I am not "called" to go somewhere by myself, because He walks in front of me, and promises never to leave nor forsake me. Walking through this all, my prayer has come to be that I do not see the Lord's calling for my life as a struggle or stressor that I am constantly trying to figure out, but as something I can find rest in because my only calling is to follow Him. 

Practically speaking, I am praying through where I am going to be next May after graduation. I get this question all the time, and besides wanting to teach, I don't have much of an answer. I try all the the to really give this to God, but yet I still get caught up in trying to picture it myself. I want to be a follower of Christ and have all I do reflect that, in that I am seeking His guidance in everyday steps, and not trying to figure out the next years. 

Just a little about what I'm learning - more of an update coming soon. 

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